Sunday, January 9, 2011

Over Limit

Well, tonight I was going to post about all my super awesome deals I got at Victoria's Secret, and as I was uploading pictures I got a message saying I hit my limit...what!? I'm not sure if I posted about it before but A has a blog on his own site. See he is a User Experience designer, aka a web designer, and he has told me that he would make me a blog and I've decided to take him up on the offer. Hopefully he finishes it soon and I will come back and share the link. I love the work he does so I know it will be great! 

I will save my posts that I had for this week for the new blog-I have deals, recipes, outfits, my January dinner calendar, and my closet organization (seriously you should see how beautiful it looks now, aaah) Promise me you'll venture over to my new blog! :) 

1 comment:

Neely said...

That is sooooo exciting!